Vision: Investing in tomorrow’s ecologies and economies by planting food forests today
Mission: To Help Plant 1 Million Nut Trees in the Mid-Atlantic!
SilvoCulture was created in 2019 as a response to a world of rapidly changing climates and vulnerable economies where we see a need to promote activities that will provide stable ecologies and financial security for future generations…
The Future is Nuts!
Get Involved
Interested in nut trees for your property?
Want to host a planting or workshop? Other ideas?
Contact us to find out how we can partner with you!
Make a donation.
Help us reach our goal! We are on a mission to help plant 1 million nut trees in the mid-Atlantic! Every $25 donation plants 1 tree. You can choose to make a one-time donation, or sign up for monthly donations.
Video footage from our 3rd Annual Chestnut Roast, at ThorpeWood Lodge, November 12th, 2023.
Tree crops have proven to provide resources needed for survival in regions where annual agriculture has failed. We see tree crops as a stable backbone for building perennial economies, soil health, clean water, habitats, dependable employment, and niche market opportunities. Nut trees in particular have weathered time and provided cultures throughout our history with steady resources in the face of change.
Why Nuts? Why Now?