Our Vision: Investing in tomorrow’s ecologies and economies by planting food forests today
Our Mission: To Help Plant 1 Million Nut Trees in the Mid-Atlantic!
SilvoCulture was created in 2019 as a response to a world of rapidly changing climates and vulnerable economies where we see a need to promote activities that will provide stable ecologies and financial security for future generations.
To reach our goal, we are actively partnering with stakeholders, such as property owners seeking a long-term investment, farmers seeking access to land, investors seeking new economic growth opportunities, orcharding systems, mixed timber investors, perennial food markets and product development, and value-added real estate planners. Although each partner will have their unique objectives and needs, we are planning for specific programs that will address some of the major overarching needs. Check out our programs below!
Tree crops have proven to provide resources needed for survival in regions where annual agriculture has failed. We see tree crops as a stable backbone for building perennial economies, soil health, clean water, habitats, dependable employment, and niche market opportunities. Nut trees in particular have weathered time and provided cultures throughout our history with steady resources in the face of change. They provide stable perennial food sources for humans and wildlife, often producing for a hundred years or more, and key nutritional elements of proteins, oils, and carbohydrates, while stabilizing ecosystems and much needed wildlife habitat. And they can provide sound economic returns with low input values.

Our Programs
We facilitate formal and informal partnerships between stakeholders whose objectives are aligned. For example, landowners may need the labor and expertise of farmers while farmers may be looking for access to land.
We network with regional nut tree experts to ensure we have the most accurate information and updates on the nut tree industry.
As not all stakeholders have access to funds for tree planting, we seek grants under state, and county tree planting requirements, watershed alliance programs, impact investors, non-profit alliances, farming cooperatives, green bond initiatives, and even international climate change mandates. Where our objectives align, we apply for grants to cover expenses such as seedlings, labor, supplies, equipment, and administrative costs.
Our activities will also serve to develop a work force trained in the various aspects of successful nut tree establishment, maintenance, harvesting, and processing.
We are developing a nursery to provide a reliable source of high quality plant stock that is suitable for growing in our region.
We plan to establish a regional cooperative to provide a market for nuts. Stay tuned!